Exploring the Role of Inverter-Based Generation – How Will It Impact The New Zealand Power System?

At this year’s Electrical Engineers Association conference, Senior Grid Connections Engineer Henricus Roux, with support from Principal Engineer Rob Orange, presented fresh insights into the impact of negative sequence current contribution from inverter-based generation. 

Key questions explored during the session included: 

                    • How does this current impact system voltages during unbalanced faults? 
                    • Can the negative sequence current from inverters be used to reliably determine the directionality of fault current, ensuring the correct operation of existing distance and directional earth fault elements? 

The research journey has uncovered some fascinating and promising results, but there’s still much to learn. We’re excited to see where future assessments will lead. Perhaps more will be shared at next year’s EEA conference—stay tuned! 

The full technical paper is available to download here: EEA2024 – Negative Sequence Current Contribution – Paper

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